21 July 2009

More Misc.

A guest at work (who is deathly afraid of snakes) kept seeing a three to four-foot-long Copperhead snake outside her room. Zach and I were tasked to stake out the snake and kill it with a shovel if we saw it. After 30 minutes outside and nearly an hour inside a room looking out, we never found it. But we did enjoy the ice water and king-sized Snickers we shared.

To celebrate the fourth of July, we took the boat out to watch the fireworks from the water. All the little lights are boats.

After the show the water had huge swells from all the boat traffic. It was pretty awesome. When we got back to our little point, our neighbors were shooting off another amazing show, so we floated in the cove watching.

We taught Sophie to float on this raft so we can swim deeper and still have her with us.

She digs it for a while because it gives her a good view of the shore. She watches birds and squirels and when she thinks she actually has a chance to catch one, she swims to shore. Of course the targets are gone by then.

Zach showing off the sunburn he got.

Sophie wouldn't get off the bed long enough for me to make it, so I just made her up in it.

1 comment:

Georgette said...

Cute, cute picture!