02 April 2012

Wyeth: One Month.

That was the fastest, hardest, craziest, most sleep-deprived month of our lives! And now little Wyeth is a month old. Where does time go? We're starting to get the hang of this old parenthood thing, even though Zach is still startled every time Wyeth cries at four a.m. and I still wonder when we will be done babysitting. Overall, it's been a great month and Sophie is enjoying all the extra walks she gets with her little brother.

One month old.

With big sister Sophie.

Got the world at his feet.

Sporting some awesome hand knits.

Cool Kid Wyeth turned his hat into fedora.

Sleepy Dad.

Sleepy Sophie.

Sleepy Mom.

Straight out of the 'hood (Hundred Acre Woods 'hood that is).

Bright eyes.

'Oh no, you're not going to use Johnson and Johnson are you?'

Not-so-happy Wyeth.


Diane said...
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Diane said...

What a cute kid!! He has grown so much.

His big sister is cute too!

The Green Family said...

I love the pictures! Oh how I wish I could say you become less sleep deprived as the years go on...I also loved the birth announcment